Turn Order: Claim Action

De omschrijving van deze Mechanic op boardgamegeek.com is:

In each round there is a First Player, and turns are taken clockwise from the first player. There is an action that may be taken to claim a place in the turn order (typically, but not always, first) for the next round, with play proceeding clockwise from the First Player. If no one takes the action, turn order remains unchanged.

Hieronder vind je alle spellen met Turn Order: Claim Action als mechanic:

Nr.SpelEigenaarMin.SpelersMax.SpelersSpeelduurOntwerpersUitgeverJaar Uitgifte
1Age Of Empires IIIGert-Jan2 5120Glenn DroverQuined White Goblin Games2007
2AgricolaWietse1 5150Uwe Rosenberg999 Games2007
3CavernaRon1 7120Uwe Rosenberg999 Games2013
4CaylusRon2 5150William AttiaWhite Goblin Games2005
5Lorenzo Il MagnificoWietse2 4120Flaminia Brasini, Virginio Gigli, Simone LucianiCranio Creations2016
6Tzolk'in: The Mayan CalenderRon2 490Simone Luciani, Daniele TasciniThe Game Master BV2012