Hand Management

De omschrijving van deze Mechanic op boardgamegeek.com is:

Hand management games are games with cards in them that reward players for playing the cards in certain sequences or groups. The optimal sequence/grouping may vary, depending on board position, cards held and cards played by opponents. Managing your hand means gaining the most value out of available cards under given circumstances. Cards often have multiple uses in the game, further obfuscating an "optimal" sequence. Hand management has no relationship to action/dexterity.

Hieronder vind je alle spellen met Hand Management als mechanic:

Nr.SpelEigenaarMin.SpelersMax.SpelersSpeelduurOntwerpersUitgeverJaar Uitgifte
1AgricolaWietse1 5150Uwe Rosenberg999 Games2007
2AsaraBerry2 445Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang KramerRavensburger2010
3BrassGert-Jan3 4180Martin WallaceWhite Goblin Games2007
4ConcordiaRon2 5100Mac Gerdts999 Games2013
5CubaGert-Jan2 5120Michael Rieneck, Stefan StadlerThe Game Master BV2007
6De AlchemistRon2 4120Matus KotryThe Game Master2014
7DistilledRon1 5150Dave BeckPaverson Games2023
8DominionRon2 430Donald X. Vaccarino999 Games2008
9El GrandeRon2 590Wolfgang Kramer, Richard Ulrich999 Games1995
10EndeavorRon3 590Carl de Visser, Jarratt GrayWhite Goblin Games2009
11Endless Winter: PaleoamericansRon1 4120Stan KordonskiyWhite Golbin Games2022
12EverdellWietse (eigenlijk Tabletopia)1 480James A. WilsonStarling Games2018
13Flamme RougeBerry2 445 Asger Harding GranerudStronghold Games2016
14FortunaBerry2 460Michael Rieneck, Stefan StadlerThe Game Master BV2011
15Great Western TrailRon2 4150Alexander PfisterEggert Spiele2016
16History Of The WorldRon3 6180Gary Dicken, Steve Kendall, Phil KendallAvalon Hill1991
17Imperial Settlers: Empires Of The NorthWietse1 490Joanna Kijanka, Ignacy TrzewiczekWhite Goblin Games2019
18Le Tour de FranceBerry2 490Barry van der Hulst, Ron van der HulstJust Games2017
19Legacy: The Testament of Duke de CrecyWietse1 460Michiel Justin Elliott HendriksPortal Games2013
20Louis XIVGert-Jan2 4100Rüdiger DornAlea2005
21PiratenbaaiWietse3 590Paul Randles, Daniel StahlDays Of Wonder2002
22PrincipatoGert-Jan2 490Touko TahkokallioWhite Goblin Games2011
23Terraforming MarsRon1 5120Jacob FryxeliusFryxGames2016
24TobagoWietse2 460Bruce AllenThe Game Master BV2009
25TorresGert-Jan2 460Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang KramerABACUSSPIELE1999
26TrajanGert-Jan2 4120Stefan FeldQuinted Games2011
27WingspanGert-Jan1 570Elizabeth Hargrave999 Games2019