Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game

De omschrijving van deze Mechanic op is:

A game system that can be applied to a variety of different maps, starting resources and positions, and even different win and loss conditions. These variable conditions can be assembled into a broader narrative or campaign, or they can be entirely disconnected from one another.

Hieronder vind je alle spellen met Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game als mechanic:

Nr.SpelEigenaarMin.SpelersMax.SpelersSpeelduurOntwerpersUitgeverJaar Uitgifte
1ReviveGert-Jan1 4120Helge Meissner, Eilif Svensson, Anna Wermlund, Kristian Amundsen ØstbyAporta Games2022
2Shogun No KatanaGert-Jan1 4180P.S. Martensen, Federico RandazzoPlacentia Games2024