Area Majority / Influence

De omschrijving van deze Mechanic op is:

The Area Control mechanic typically awards control of an area to the player that has the majority of units or influence in that area. As such, it can be viewed as a sub-category of Auction/Bidding in that players can up their "bids" for specific areas through the placement of units or meeples. In El Grande, for instance, players earn their score in a region by having the most caballeros in that region.

Hieronder vind je alle spellen met Area Majority / Influence als mechanic:

Nr.SpelEigenaarMin.SpelersMax.SpelersSpeelduurOntwerpersUitgeverJaar Uitgifte
1Age Of Empires IIIGert-Jan2 5120Glenn DroverQuined White Goblin Games2007
2Amon RaGert-Jan3 590Reiner Knizia999 Games2003
3Axis & Allies EuropeRon2 4210Larry Harris, Jr.Avalon Hill (Hasbro)1999
4Bruggen van Shangri-LaWietse3 460Leo Colovini999 Games2003
5El GrandeRon2 590Wolfgang Kramer, Richard Ulrich999 Games1995
6EndeavorRon3 590Carl de Visser, Jarratt GrayWhite Goblin Games2009
7Endless Winter: PaleoamericansRon1 4120Stan KordonskiyWhite Golbin Games2022
8FeliniaWietse2 460Michael SchachtAsmodee2010
9GoldbrauGert-Jan3 460Franz-Benno DelongeRio Grande Games2004
10HanzestedenGert-Jan2 590Andreas Steding999 Games2009
11HermagorRon2 5120Emanuele OrnellaQuined White Goblin Games2006
12History Of The WorldRon3 6180Gary Dicken, Steve Kendall, Phil KendallAvalon Hill1991
13JavaWietse2 4120Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang KramerRavensburger2000
14La CittaWietse2 5120Gerd Fenchel999 Games2000
15La GranjaGert-Jan1 4120Michael Keller & Andreas Odendahl999 Games2014
16LancasterRon2 560Matthias CramerQueen Games2011
17Louis XIVGert-Jan2 4100Rüdiger DornAlea2005
18ParisWietse2 490Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang KramerThe Game Brewer2020
19Rise & FallRon2 480Christophe BoelingerLudically2024
20San MarcoRon3 490Alan R. Moon, Aaron WeissblumRavensburger2001
21ScytheRon1 5115Jamey StegmaierStonemaier Games2016
22ShogunGert-Jan3 5150Dirk HennQueen Games2006
23StrasbourgRon3 560Stefan FeldPegasus Spiele2011
24TikalBerry2 4120Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang Kramer999 Games1999
25TorresGert-Jan2 460Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang KramerABACUSSPIELE1999
26TroyesRon2 490Sébastien Dujardin, Xavier Georges, Alain OrbanZ-Man Games2010
27TycoonWietse2 490Wolfgang Kramer, Horst-Rainer RösnerJumbo1998
28VinhosGert-Jan2 4135Vital LacerdaZ-Man Games2010
29WallensteinRon3 5150Dirk HennQueen Games2002
30WildcattersGert-Jan2 4120Rolf Sagel, André SpilCapstone Games2013