Deck, Bag, and Pool Building

De omschrijving van deze Mechanic op is:

Deck / Pool Building is a mechanism in which players start the game with a pre-determined set of cards / player pieces and add and change those pieces over the course of the game. Many deck-building games provide the players with a currency that they use to "buy" new items that are integrated into the deck or pool. These new resources generally expand the capabilities of the player and allow the player to build an "engine" to drive their future plays in the course of the game. This mechanism describes something that happens in play during the game as a function of the game, not customization of the game from a body of cards prior to play.

Hieronder vind je alle spellen met Deck, Bag, and Pool Building als mechanic:

Nr.SpelEigenaarMin.SpelersMax.SpelersSpeelduurOntwerpersUitgeverJaar Uitgifte
1ConcordiaRon2 5100Mac Gerdts999 Games2013
2De Kwakzalvers van KakelenburgWietse2 445Wolfgang Warsch999 Games2018
3DominionRon2 430Donald X. Vaccarino999 Games2008
4Dune: ImperiumRon1 4120Clay Brooks, Brett Nienburg, Raul Ramos, Nate StormDire Wolf2020
5Endless Winter: PaleoamericansRon1 4120Stan KordonskiyWhite Golbin Games2022
6Great Western TrailRon2 4150Alexander PfisterEggert Spiele2016
7Lost Ruins of ArnakRon1 4120Elwen, M�nCzech Games Edition2020
8OrleansRon2 490Reiner StockhausenWhite Goblin Games2014
9ReviveGert-Jan1 4120Helge Meissner, Eilif Svensson, Anna Wermlund, Kristian Amundsen ØstbyAporta Games2022
10Rise & FallRon2 480Christophe BoelingerLudically2024