Constrained Bidding

De omschrijving van deze Mechanic op is:

This is a meta-mechanism that can modify other auction techniques. Players may not bid any number that they wish. They may only bid based on increments and/or combinations of certain resources. Examples of this are Ra, which forces players to select one of three bid tiles for their bid, and High Society, where players must increase bids by adding money cards from their hand and are not allowed to make change.

Hieronder vind je alle spellen met Constrained Bidding als mechanic:

Nr.SpelEigenaarMin.SpelersMax.SpelersSpeelduurOntwerpersUitgeverJaar Uitgifte
1Amon RaGert-Jan3 590Reiner Knizia999 Games2003
2De AlchemistRon2 4120Matus KotryThe Game Master2014
3RaGert-Jan2 560Reiner Knizia999 Games1999