Once-Per-Game Abilities

De omschrijving van deze Mechanic op boardgamegeek.com is:

Players have a special ability that they can use one time per game. These may be unique to them, like 'feats' in Warmachine, or common to all players, like the special power chits in Finca. Often players will receive bonus Victory Points if they do not use their one-time abilities during the game.

Hieronder vind je alle spellen met Once-Per-Game Abilities als mechanic:

Nr.SpelEigenaarMin.SpelersMax.SpelersSpeelduurOntwerpersUitgeverJaar Uitgifte
1GlasstraatWietse1 475Uwe Rosenberg999 Games2013
2Lost Ruins of ArnakRon1 4120Elwen, M�nCzech Games Edition2020